Over the years, damage to the teeth – including various types of stains – can rob you of confidence and make your life more difficult. As a result, you may want to consider the best teeth whitening Marion, Iowa has to offer as a way of combating this problematic issue.
Every time you look in the mirror when you have stained teeth, you are going to see evidence of your aging. Nobody likes to be reminded that they are getting older, and stained teeth are particularly brutal in this way. Unfortunately, you may see your teeth get darker and darker as you age and feel like there is little that you can do to combat this problem. As a result, you may start losing your self-esteem and confidence and become harder to make happy.
This situation may spiral out of control in some circumstances and become a real issue if you don’t take the time to understand how it develops fully. Thankfully, you can talk to your dental care professional about this concern and get high-quality teeth whitening as soon as possible. This care option is a very smart one because it ensures that your teeth are white and that you can regain your confidence that you’ve otherwise lost over the years.
Just as importantly, whiter teeth also help to protect your teeth in a variety of ways. Whitening isn’t just a cosmetic procedure but one that eliminates plaque and bacteria buildup on your teeth. What did you think those stains were but plaque and bacteria holdovers? Removing these from your teeth will ensure that they are not only whiter but stronger. As a result, you can not only look years younger but feel younger and avoid serious dental concerns for years to come.
Whitening Helps You Look Younger
Many plastic surgeons and dental care professionals claim that teeth whitening is the easiest and least painful way to look younger. Though we’ve already touched on this benefit in the previous section, it is worth focusing on it more here to give you an idea of its positive impact. Looking younger, as stated, will enhance your self-esteem but can also provide other advantages that you can’t get in any other way. Many of these may make your life easier and more productive.
For example, if you’re looking for work with stained teeth, you may find that many people turn you away. This situation may seem unfair but is very common for many people. Simply put, these individuals don’t want to hire somebody with bad teeth and will work hard to find someone else with stronger and more resilient teeth. They may not even realize that they have this bias but think that you look old because your teeth are stained.
As a result, whitening is a great career move because it will make you look younger and enhance your overall looks in many other ways. Even better, this whitening will make you more confident when you go to job interviews and help you stand out from your competitors and look more professional.
Whitening is a Simple Technique
Teeth whitening is one of the most straightforward procedures that you can get to improve the appearance of your teeth. Your dentist will apply the whitening materials and then let you go home after they have fully set. As a result, you don’t need to do any strenuous or lengthy preparation like you would with other types of treatment options. As a result, this helps you avoid having to get more complicated and involved care that may be more painful or difficult to maintain.
For example, whitening your teeth will help to make crowns or veneers unnecessary by not only making your teeth whiter but strengthening their structure. As a result, you won’t have to go through the sometimes complicated and time-consuming process of preparing your teeth for these treatments and then getting them implemented. More importantly, whitening your teeth also helps to avoid the type of damage that these treatments may cause to your teeth.
While veneers and crowns are ultimately beneficial to your dental health and your teeth whiteness, they do remove a small amount of your tooth enamel with each treatment. This issue occurs because the dentist must scrape away a small portion of the tooth during the etching process. While this slight etching isn’t incredibly damaging, it can cause issues that whitening avoids. This benefit makes whitening the most conservative option to take, often as a first step.
Maintenance is Very Easy
Lastly, high-quality teeth whitening is not a complicated process to properly maintain on your own. For example, you can ask your dentist where you can find home whitening maintenance kits. These kits utilize a variety of trays and gels that are designed to keep your teeth as white as possible. Typically, a treatment using this method requires no more than 30 minute per application to help keep your teeth white and looking professional.
That said, however, you do need to avoid some problematic behaviors to ensure that your teeth remain white. For example, you should try to avoid foods that will stain your teeth, such as dark chocolate, coffee, or soda. These items will cause complications with your whitening process and make it less effective. This ban on staining foods isn’t permanent, thankfully – just wait 24 hours after you apply the maintenance materials. However, this step does keep your teeth healthy.
Just as importantly, you also need to cut back on any other behaviors that may damage your teeth. For example, smoking or chewing tobacco will decrease the effectiveness of your whitening. If you aren’t quite ready to quit smoking or chewing for good, make sure that you avoid doing so for at least 24 hours after you apply your whitening tools. However, you may want to quit smoking anyway – you’ll make your family and your dentist much happier if you do.
Our Professionals Are Here for You
So if you’re interested in teeth whitening in Marion, Iowa and want to make sure that you get the best results, please contact us today at Horton Family Dental to learn more. Our experts will work with you to ensure that your teeth have the whiteness that you want and deserve.